Category: Hurdles

5 Ways Successful Women Reduce Friction in Their Life

It’s amazing what happens when you focus on what you want and set up the life around you that practically makes it inevitable. 

Breaking the Cycle: Transform Your Life Beyond Comfort and Ease

There is a difference between a smooth, functioning, high-potential life and a life where ease and comfort are your primary goals. If you are interested in changing your life’s trajectory, then it’s time to decide you will do some things differently.

Reclaiming Your Influence: Strategies to Overcome Undermining in the Workplace

INTRODUCTION Have you ever felt a sinking sensation or an unsettling feeling that despite your sincere efforts focused on the customer – and even though you are always trying to make the world a better place, in some way… and even though you are motivated and driven from heart-felt purpose… that you were being deliberately…
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Breaking the Chain: Stop Negative Thinking in Its Tracks After a Big Mistake

Making a mistake, even what you consider a BIG mistake, isn’t necessarily a problem until you start beating yourself up over something that’s already done and can’t be undone. Your mind is tricky, and sometimes it can get stuck in a loop, especially if you feel shame, humiliation, deep regret, sadness, embarrassment, mortification, or possibly…
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3 Strategies to Increase Executive Potential For Introverts

You often feel invisible because you are quieter than the extroverted leaders in your organization. Yet, you notice all the details, facial expressions, and body language that others seem to miss. You wonder why people don’t notice that this project could benefit from something happening over there, yet you don’t say anything because you feel…
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Underestimated at Work? Use it To Your Advantage.

Do you feel like you’re outgrowing your role? You’ll know you’re underestimated if you ask for more prominent roles, significant projects, and responsibility. You only get positive feedback, but It seems like no one – not even your direct supervisor is interested in letting you push past your boundaries and grow to the next level.…
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Fact Check: This Misconception You Believe 100% Is Your Worst Block

You have deep-seated beliefs that feel like they’ve always been there. You don’t even question them; because, to you, they are “just the way things are”. You accepted the reality long ago. In your brain, they are a stone-cold fact. If you’re wrong, you could completely change your entire trajectory!  If you want to be…
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Are you too tactical? How to Grow Your Strategic Muscles

Have you ever been told that you are too tactical? If you feel stuck in place and have difficulty being seen as having a high potential for an executive position, you may need to flex those strategic muscles a bit more. If you want to be alerted when my executive coaching opens to take in…
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Are You Ready to Level-Up Your Professionalism?

If you are like me, now and then, you come to a fork in the road, and you know it’s time to decide you are either going to settle and this is as good as it gets – OR it’s you have to decide that it’s time to level up. You know my perspective on…
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Are You Too Young to be an Executive?

Are you too young to be a CEO or a member of the executive team? I know this is a thought that a lot of people have about themselves when they are rising in an industry. In this episode, I’ll give you some of the usual criteria used for selecting executive-level leaders and various scenarios…
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