Category: Inspiration

Find the “Yes! You Can” Podcast – EASY LINKS TO ACCESS!

I get a lot of questions about the best way to listen to the “Yes! You Can.” podcast The “Yes! You Can. A Podcast for High Achievers” Podcast is a FREE resource full of inspiration and very specific, direct steps YOU can take to make your reach your OWN version of success.  You can listen…
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Design a Space you Love So You Can Be Ready for Anything!

Why Creating a Space You Adore leads to a Life You Love Take a look around you, at home, at your office, and even your car. If any of these are very cluttered or dirty, they will drain your energy, distract your mind with things you know you should be doing, and reduce how open…
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2018 Commencement Speeches by Women

7 Incredible 2018 Commencement Speeches Delivered by Women

If you are like I am, commencement speeches remind you of what lies ahead and all the potential we hold within us to make a difference in the world. I also love the beautiful nuggets of wisdom that inspire us to do better and to be better.  I have scoured the internet for you and…
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The Secret to Turn your Perfect Day Dream Into Your Actual Tomorrow

My early life, struggling as a single mom I did not plan on becoming a single mom, but there I was. I was in the Navy, 26 years old, a Second-Class Petty Officer and Adalida was 18 months old. We were getting by, but nothing was easy.  I dreamed of transforming my life, I dreamed…
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How to be Brave Enough to Reach Your Goals

Do you have a dream that is SO big that you believe you will never get there? Maybe you’d have to move to a big city to accomplish this goal, and that thought is really scary when you are young and just starting out. What if I told you that you do not have to…
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Genuine Driven Women Podcast: Episode 1

Show Notes for Episode #1 How YOU can find YOUR purpose Welcome to the “Genuine Driven Women” podcast, the show where we guide women to reveal their strengths so they believe and can achieve their desired greatness!  This isEpisode #1and I am Tami along with my Co-Host, Adalida.  Today we are going tell you our…
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The Journey is the Gift

If you are reading this blog, then I assume that you have plans and goals, or at least dreams that you desire to turn into real plans and goals. Have you had a moment where what you always wanted finally happened, and when it did… it was not quite what you expected it would be?…
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Curiosity and Courage

One of the main joys in life’s journey is the incredible people we meet along the way.  If we are lucky enough to call some of those people friends, then we are truly blessed.  I had coffee with my dear friend, Emily Bassett, this week.  I met her during a deployment on the USS Abraham…
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From Shy to Fly (Part 2)

Find Part one of this article by clicking here. During my second permanently assigned duty station in the Navy that, as I reflect, is where I made decisions that directly altered by path for the positive.  I was stationed in San Diego, California and was 22-25 years old during this period.  Even though I made…
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Girl Goin’ Nowhere

I’m a rather average woman, I believe. Meaning, there are many, many women very much like me.  I have always had dreams and goals, and I have had the drive and grit to achieve most of them. I am still working on others. I plan to never quit dreaming! I hope all the girls, women,…
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Looking for a Place to Shine

All my life, I have been “looking for a place to shine,” and I think I have found it.  Yes, this blog is part of that, but my place to “shine” is so much more.  I have found that I can shine at work, at home, and generally, anyplace that I go.  That is what…
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